
Our Vision
Glorifying God by serving others
Our Mission
We seek to discover God’s will for us and prayerfully pursue it according to the Biblical teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. As His faithful followers, who care for each other and reach out to all people, we commit to serving our community and world while making disciples for Christ.
Our Goals for fulfilling our Mission:
We seek to serve and obey our risen Lord by:
Worshiping our Triune God by preaching, hearing the Word and responding to the Word, providing a variety of worship experiences, and praising God through music; (through the Worship, New Tech, and Property committees)
Teaching the Good News through Bible study, small groups, Presbyterian Men, Presbyterian Women, and Christian Education classes for all ages; (through the Adult Education, Children and Youth Education committees)
Caring for one another through prayer and encouragement in life’s joys and sorrows; (through the Congregational Care, and Nurture committees)
Reaching our community and our world through local and world mission and service; (through the Mission and Service committees)
Nurturing our youths’ faith development through Christian Education and Youth Group activities to encourage loving like Jesus, living for Jesus, and learning about Jesus. (through the Children and Youth Education, and Mission and Service committees)