
Frequently Asked Questions
With which Presbyterian group is GCPCPA connected?
Grace Covenant is a member congregation of The Presbyterian Church USA, in the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia, and actively supports ecumenical movements.
Where is GCPCPA located?
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church of Princess Anne is located at 2228 Princess Anne Road in Virginia Beach, VA. Parking is behind the Church.
Parking at GCPCPA
It may appear when you arrive that there are fewer than 10 parking spots. Keep driving. We have a huge parking lot out back.
What time are worship services?
We have two worship times. The early service is a discussion style worship that begins at 8:30 am. The 2nd service is more traditional and begins at 10:30 am. You'll find some parts of the traditional service to be fairly typical, but other parts are not. Either way, we are not at all formal. Further details can be found here.
Is childcare provided during worship?
Yes. Nursery care is provided by paid staff and church volunteers for children from infancy up to 5 years old for the 10:30 am Worship Service. We also offer Children's Church during the 10:30 am Worship Service for ages 6 through 5th Grade. Beyond that age, children are encouraged to attend worship with their parents.
Who may be baptized or married at GCPCPA ?
Adults and children who are active in church or wish to join the church may be baptized.
Normally only active members of the worshiping community may be married. Please contact the church for printed information concerning these ceremonies, or speak with one of the pastors. Read the wedding guidelines.
Who may receive communion at GCPCPA?
When Presbyterians celebrate the Lord’s Supper, all baptized Christians present, of whatever denomination, are invited to partake, along with children of any age who have been baptized.
Who may use meeting facilities at GCPCPA ?
Non-profit groups may use GCPCPA for meeting space upon approval from the Pastor. Please contact the church to see if we can accommodate your needs.
How are children included in worship at GCPCPA?
Throughout the year, worship includes children through children’s moments, our children’s choir, and special liturgical celebrations.
What to wear?
Our church does not have a dress code. Dress ranges from casual to “Sunday Best.”
What about university students?
We welcome students in worship and all aspects of church life.
What about accessibility?
Our church sanctuary is wheelchair-accessible.
How can I meet people?
We have free coffee and other tasty treats between both worship services!
What if I need Help?
Just ask a greeter, an usher, a pastor, a staff member, or anyone you see. We all strive to be helpful!